Thursday, April 4, 2013

Periscope of Hindsight

Periscope of hindsight
Squint back through.
Squirm, sulk all you may
Stop to argue.

Millstone around the neck
Was your pick.
Swim, suspend or sink
You, your wounds, lick.

(Another post for 3WW. The prompts are Argue, Lick, Squint.)


Easwar Arumugam said...

Nice composition.

Sheilagh Lee said...

how sad.

Karishma Shetty said...

Like your title. Things always seem to make sense in hindsight. 20-20 ;)

Satya said...

nice rhythm , superb meaning , very precise use of 3WW :)

Pratyush said...

@Arumugam Easwar - Thank you Sir!
@Karishma - Hindsight is perfect. Always!! Thanks for commenting here.
@Satya - Thank you! you always have encouraging words.

Pratyush said...

Sheilagh Lee - I've always wondered, realization that the choice was good or bad in hindsight is a sad thing or not.